Professional Window Cleaning
The glass on your windows has tiny pores that can be seen with our eyes, just like our skin. When minerals from garden hoses, tap water, & rain run-off settle on your glass, they can cause hard water stains.
Routine maintenance will help prevent these minerals from permanently staining your glass.
Snow Plowing, Snow Removal & Ice Melt Spreading
We offer snow plowing, snow removal & ice melt spreading services. Snow plowing & ice melt spreading keeps our clients safe from those dangerous & expensive slip & fall accidents common during winter weather conditions.
Slip and falls are the number one type of workplace injury!
We offer hourly rates for the snow plow, hand shoveling, & ice melt spreading; as well as a per-push/inch rate. We often answer phone calls all hours of the night when the snow & ice are coming down. So if you didn’t plan ahead & need snow plowing assistance for your home or business, feel free to give us a call for snow control any time of day or night.
If you didn’t plan ahead, please be prepared to sign a liability waiver for potential damages to your property from obstacles hidden in the snow. We do not take responsibility for damage to property from snow plowing activities which we did not have an opportunity to scout prior to snow or ice accumulation. We are careful not to falsely advertise “snow removal” because we do not actually remove any snow from property. Snow accumulation is strategically pushed into a reasonable & functional location.